With “Lenin’s Wheelchair” it’s hard to know where the jazz begins and the
chanson ends, or when it becomes folk. The quintet draws freely on different
genres. There are highbrow songs (a poem by William Carlos Williams set to
music) and hillbilly wit, bluesy rags, and the brilliant banter of violinist
Kurt Bauer and guitarist Gerhard Neubauer – the first-rate drummer Anne
Weinhardt and young bassist Leonore Hollauf complete the ensemble. And as
Temmel proves in passing, the less obviously good singers are often the more
interesting ones.
Yet the music’s greatest appeal lies in the fact that right up until the end
it’s not clear whether we are dealing here with music that is overly
engineered or – entirely to the contrary – the product of a negligent, because
unreflected, infatuation with music. The band, which for starts, has a
marvelous name, lives from exactly this contradiction.
Martin Gasser / Kronenzeitung, Sept. 28, 2012

In Styria Wolfgang Temmel is one of the few people who comes to my mind when I
hear the words “universal artist”. He is a musician, media artist,
accomplished painter and, to top it off, an exceptionally gifted storyteller.
If you’re unacquainted with his CD with the Bonsai Garden Orchestra
from 2008, you’ve really missed something fundamental – and his new album
released under the band name “Lenin’s Wheelchair” is in no way inferior.
Enormously relaxed, vibrant, and at the same time socially critical in
undertone, Domovina is an extremely energetic mix that no good collection
should be without, no matter whether you prefer light entertaining music or
more serious stuff. You can hear different kinds of styles and sources of
inspiration, from Chuck LeMonds to Mozart, rock, classic, world music and folk
– and they all work together wondrously. The mere 22-year-old Bassist Leonore
Hollauf, seasoned violinist Kurt Bauer, dynamic drummer Anne Weinhardt and
fantastic guitarist Gerhard Neubauer blend with Temmel’s ukulele and vocals to
form a charming band you’d love to book for a late autumn garden party.