A decentralized birthday party as a sound piece for radio with 10 artists - 10 tape recorders / stereo microphones

Gottfried Bechtold, Hörbranz (A)
Inge Lise Christiansson, Århus (DK)
Jim Denley, Wytham (GB)
Eberhard Eckerle, Henschenberg (D)
Werner Hofmeister, Klein St.Paul (A)
Robert Kozinuk, Burnaby (CDN)
Ernest Rust, Glenhaven (AUS)
Erwin Talker, Pirkhof (A)
Wolfgang Temmel, Schwanberg (A)
Jack Thompson, Chalfont (USA)

Recording terms/ instructions:
Complete liberty in designing it, silence, accidental or intentional acoustic incidents, talking, singing, whistling, whispering, indoors or out, etc. Everything is acceptable. Nonetheless, it is essential that each person takes the following into consideration:
These 10 tapes have been mixed together by Wolfgang Temmel at the ORF-Radio studio RP4 in Vienna (Austrian National Broadcasting Station) for the program "Kunstradio - Radiokunst" ("Art Radio - Radio Art") into one joint 42-minute radio piece. Sound engineer: Gerhard Wiesner

[1] Wolfgang Temmel was born on April 15, 1953
[2] Time of birth: 9:00 p.m. CET
[3] Temmel completes the 42nd year of his life 42 years - 42 minutes