
artist collective


insights which seem the simplest are often the most lasting: in life no one can escape his or her body. so the question is to what extent each person is able or allowed to prepare him or herself for his or her existence as a human being. man is the measure of all things. this sentence pervades our culture like an immutable “truth” but is outrageously presumptuous. just as no “ideal type” exists, no “norm type” exists either. we all belong to one minority or another and deviate from the average in some features. yes, even those who appear to conform completely to the standard are a minority, because there cannot be many of them. for each minority, you can only ask: to what extent does the majority satisfy its needs? to what extent do social achievements take human variability into account?


sinnlos is not a project on the disabled, but a project which makes the methods and strategies of disability and of disabling forces in daily life, society and art an issue. sinnlos also understands itself as a postulate for "new ideas and actions".

discrimination of “disabled persons” runs like a thread through history; polemically, you could call it a snare and demonstrate how in this sense humans are their own worst enemies. man as the measure of all things and conditions.

so ultimately, disability is a social construct. only when society sees variability and diversity as a cause for discrimination do they become disability. conversely, when society does everything to allow diversity to unfold, dissimilarity becomes a challenge.

sinnlos may have indeed set itself a high and distant goal: to achieve an egalitarian society that sees difference as quality and not as stigma.

art has become a last refuge of socio-political experiments and of strategies for change. it is here that sinnlos activities will have their starting point.


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